NLDivisionX Athlete Spotlight of the Month!
Hey Everyone!
We hope everyone is staying safe during this time and we want to add a little joy to everyone’s lives! As you all know the sports season came to a halt 2 weeks ago after a community outbreak of Covid-19. We know there are a lot of kids/teens/adults that are pretty disappointed about this and we to we’re very disappointed but in saying that we can’t let this get the best of us! Mentally I know a lot of people are struggling (me included) and with all the bullying surrounding what is going on want to start something up to give a little cheer in the community! Each month we are going to ask coaches/trainers/mentors to send us an application for an athlete (can be any sport, just needs to be located in NL) who they feel brings something special to the team they play for or an athlete who competes individually who they feel brings life to the sport they compete in! We are looking for an individual who takes charge when it comes to helping others, showing kindness towards others and someone always takes a negative situation and turns it into a positive!
Applications can be emailed to